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Misogynist of the day: Chris Matthews

I first heard about the uproar against Chris Matthews a few days ago on Feministing, and how Media Matters is asking us to email MSNBC to tell them how much we hate the misogyny coming out of Chris Matthews mouth. I sent an email away a few days ago because of it. Now, OpEdNews has a piece on Chris Matthews and how much he sucks.

This piece even goes further back before the presidential campaign, showing us that Matthews has never supported Hillary Clinton in any way.

Matthews has repeatedly utilized his show on MSNBC to resort to a one-man machination crusade against Hillary Clinton. For years, Matthews has used loosely implied sexist epithets, such as referring to Senator Clinton as “Madame Defarge” and “Nurse Ratched,” to defame and disparage her.

But the article makes a great point that this is not just a problem with Hillary Clinton. It is a problem with Nancy Pelosi and the entire population of strong, independent women who are not at home cooking and cleaning.

Should he be fired? I think so.

NBC fired Don Imus for a singular, similar remark and now it’s time to expunge Chris Matthews from MSNBC for his biased, protracted rage against woman, Hillary Clinton and his machismo sexism. It’s time to end the misogyny of Chris Matthews and other such purveyors of a hostile “white men only” bourgeoisie embargo on women in our government and in places of power.

So, if you’re getting fed up/enraged about the sexism that is appearing on MSNBC thanks to Chris Matthews, please click the Media Matters link above and email MSNBC directly, telling them how you feel about Chris Matthews and his misogyny.

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